Robin said, "Write a script for D1 and D2" because she wants to see us make a film with two of her favorite actors. Fine. (I cannot tell you who it is yet as we will be pursuing these actors in real life for the film!) So this little script that was born with just a simple glimmer of D1 sitting on an airplane has become a 108 page (including title page) script. I've revised several scenes in the interim, fleshing out, building muscle and have been submitting it to screenwriting contests.
Now, I'm used to getting rejected by literary agents for fiction, to whom I submit a few times a year. But contests for scripts is new to me and actually really thrilling.
A VILLAGE AFFAIR was shortlisted for the Gotham Screen 2010 International Film and Screenplay Contest. Sadly, I didn't make the finalists but it was very nice to be acknowledged. Now I have to say thank you to Robin for inspiring me to write for D1 and D2.
I'll also clarify that I not only cast in real life, my day job, but I've been "casting" my writing forever, whether with friends or acquaintances, or actors who impress me. I'll confess that I never thought I would write for D2, since he is not on my favorites list; I like his work and that's about it. So, I guess I'll have to thank him someday as well.
Interesting note: I've been alerted that D2 actually prefers small independents to his usual large budget mega-movies. I call that hope because I don't give up easily!
So, to all of you out there who have been nervous about sending out your writing. JUST DO IT. The worst that can happen is someone will say "No". Some in rude ways (ignore these because they have personal issues) and some in very business-like ways (they have too little time and we must admire them for their success), while others will write an encouraging note or constructive critique back when they decline your query (which is always lovely). Then, when the universe is properly aligned, they'll say yes and the work really begins! Don't give up.
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